Corporate Escape Rooms

Corporate Team Building, Away Days, Rewards, and Fun

There couldn't be an event or exercise more suited to a requirement for communication than an Escape Room.

Without good communication even the best teams would struggle.  This subtle element of a room ensures learning to constantly communicate.

Working on Problems Together
It's more fun working on puzzles and codes but its still working together!

Even colleagues who dont usually work together (or work together well) will enjoy it, as it's outside the norm and usually requires different thinking too.

Teams will succeed in escaping the room.  If you read the way I work in my rooms, everyone succeeds - at various times.

But success is vital in team building.  You shouldn't team build in an event based on no success (even if competing against other teams).

Old fashioned team building is no longer seen as fun.  As much as there are objectives, firms should ensure staff have fun whilst bonding and achieving the objectives you want - even if subconsciously.

Escape rooms have a fun aspect unreplicated in other team building exercises.

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